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    "Okam Line's wide flap shoulder bag".

    With a wide horizontal ratio and a gliding cover,
    a stylish and cool bag
    Items with excellent storage capacity in a wide container form

    * Material Precautions
    1. Due to the nature of the leather, the color may vary depending on the cut.
    2. We used a type of leather with a vintage color.
    Please note that some white parts are normal, and this is not defective.
    3. Care must be taken in moisture, friction, etc.
    It can cause stains when used with bright colored products.
    Please be careful.

    I would like to inform you that the wrinkle on the leather surface is a natural phenomenon of natural leather, so it is not defective.
    Bunk's designs are legally protected and can be subject to legal penalties for design theft.

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    링크를 연결하고 싶지않다면 링크기입란에 #(샵기호)를 기입해주세요(자동 사라집니다.)